From our friends at the Children’s Screen Time Action Network, a project of Campaign for a Commercial-Free Childhood, comes the Screens in Schools Action Kit, released just today. In 2016, Parents Across America did a deep dive into the edtech movement. Since then, classroom digital device use by students has skyrocketed and increasingly, parents, students, and educators alike are voicing their concerns about the use, over-use, and misuse of these devices.

Parents Across America-Roanoke Valley leader, Laura Bowman, shared the following email with Virginia Delegates who are considering a bill on best practices for digital device use in public schools. As the use of digital devices in schools continues to grow at unprecedented rates, it’s vitally important that the parent voice is heard when it comes to the healthy and safe use of these devices by children.

Education historian, professor, author, and founder of the Network for Public Education, Diane Ravitch, and education blogger, author, and retired educator, Nancy Bailey, co-authored a new book: “EdSpeak and Doubletalk: A Glossary to Decipher Hypocrisy and Save Public Schooling”. They kindly included Parents Across America in the chapter titled, ‘Groups Fighting Education Reform’.

Why Public School Parents Oppose H.R. 2218and Our Recommendations for Improving the Charter School Bill A Parents Across America Position Paper on the“Empowering Parents Through Quality Charter Schools Act” July 5, 2011 Parents Across America (PAA), a grassroots organization representing public school parents from across the United States, opposes the

What Public School Parents Want in a New Federal Education Law   A Parents Across America Position Paper on the Reauthorization of the Federal Elementary and Secondary Education Act (ESEA) – No Child Left Behind   April, 2011 Introduction  “What the best and wisest parent wants for his own child,